Trajectory-Based Behavior Analytics
Can Wang, Chi-Hung Chi, Yu Zheng, Organizers
Technical Report WS-15-14
75 pp.
Electronic Version of the Technical Report
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ISBN 978-1-57735-725-4
In recent years, data driven scientific discovery approach has already been agreed to be an important emerging paradigm for computing in areas including social network, service, Internet of Things (or sensor networks), and cloud. Under this paradigm, big data is the core that drives new researches in many domains, from environmental to social. One important source of information for potential value creation is the real-time trajectory data obtained from entities including animals, robots and humans. The trajectory information naturally reveals the details of instantaneous behaviours conducted by entities, which is closely related with complex behaviours in the form of multiple interdependent multivariate time series data with varied locations. This forms the need and emergence of behavior modeling (that is, understanding behaviors from cognitive and analytics perspectives) and behavior system construction (that is, developing cognition-as-a-service systems to support decision making).
This workshop focuses on addressing deep science and research questions related to behavioral analytics for real-time trajectory-driven data applications as well as its value delivery platform systems. Topics include (1) Trajectory-based Behavior Representation and Modeling; (2) Trajectory-based Behavior Network; (3) Multiple/heterogeneous Trajectory-based Behavior Integration; (4) Trajectory-based Behavior Dynamics and Evolution.