Collaboratively-Built Knowledge Sources and Artificial Intelligence
Papers from the 2010 AAAI Workshop
Vivi Nastase, Roberto Navigli, and Fei Wu, Workshop Cochairs
Technical Report WS-10-02
62 pp., $25.00
ISBN 978-1-57735-468-0
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The papers from this workshop are also available on a CD (ISBN 978-1-57735-492-5)
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In recent years, collaborative endeavors facilitated by the Internet seem to have the answer for the knowledge acquisition bottleneck. More and more resources and collaborative endeavors have started to be incorporated and exploited as knowledge repositories for various tasks. Wikipedia with its many facets and knowledge bearing structuring, the Tags associated with images in Flickr, and question-answer collections in Yahoo! Answers are a few examples of such information sources. Amazon's Mechanical Turk gives researchers access to "human computation" power, and is being used more and more as a solution to the difficult problems of large scale evaluations and data annotation, both crucial for the continuous development of the AI and NLP fields.
AI and NLP have the potential to both exploit and dig deeper in the mines of collective knowledge, and to help build them, by providing tools for helping generate more, better and consistent content. As with the previous events, we believe work in this area should be encouraged, followed and popularized, to promote the synergy between repositories of user-contributed knowledge and research in artificial intelligence.
The workshop was highly interdisciplinary, and included participation of researchers from different perspectives, including machine learning, computational linguistics, information retrieval, information extraction, question answering, knowledge representation, human computer interaction and others.