Cognitive Robotics
Papers from the AAAI Workshop
Chitta Baral and Sheila McIlraith, Cochairs
Technical Report WS-02-05
124 pp., $30.00
ISBN 978-1-57735-158-0
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Research in robotics has traditionally emphasized low-level sensing and control tasks including sensory processing, path planning, and manipulator design and control. In contrast, research in cognitive robotics is concerned with endowing robots and software agents with higher level cognitive functions that enable them to reason, act and perceive in changing, incompletely known, and unpredictable environments. Such robots must, for example, be able to reason about goals, actions, when to perceive and what to look for, the cognitive states of other agents, time, collaborative task execution, etc. In short, cognitive robotics is concerned with integrating reasoning, perception and action within a uniform theoretical and implementation framework. This workshop aims to bring together researchers involved in all aspects of the theory and implementation of cognitive robots, to discuss current work and future directions. While all aspects of cognitive robotics are of interest to the workshop, we especially welcome discussions and demonstrations of implemented systems. CogRob2002 follows the very successful AAAI 1998 Fall Symposium on Cognitive Robotics held in Orlando and the Second International Cognitive Robotics Workshop, held in conjunction with ECAI- 2000.