Designing Intelligent Robots: Reintegrating AI II
Papers from the 2013 AAAI Spring Symposium
Byron Boots, Nick Hawes, Todd Hester, George Konidaris, Bhaskara Marthi, Lorenzo Riano, Benjamin Rosman, Program Cochairs
Technical Report SS-13-04
80 pp., $30.00
ISBN 978-1-57735-601-1
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The goal of building intelligent robots has been a motivating problem for generations of AI researchers, going back at least as far as Shakey the robot in 1966. Creating such a robot is both the fully realized expression of the original impulse behind AI and an immensely rich source of research questions that address real-world problems.
However, AI is a fragmented field: well-developed and largely independent research communities exist for learning, planning, reasoning, language, perception and control. Since the challenges posted by each of these subfields are immense, most researchers have found it necessary to devote their careers to specializing in a single subfield. While immense progress has been made in each of these subfields in the last few decades, it remains unclear how they can be integrated to produce an intelligent robot. Unifying these disparate technologies will open up new avenues of research and create new application opportunities. Therefore, we believe that integration should be considered a valid research endeavor in its own right.
This papers in this report are from a multidisciplinary group of researchers interested in the specific objective of designing intelligent robots.