Symbiotic Relationships between Semantic Web and Knowledge Engineering
Papers from the AAAI Spring Symposium
Derek Sleeman and Mark Musen, Cochairs
Technical Report SS-08-07
102 pp., $30.00
ISBN 978-1-57735-363-8
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The challenges that have confronted the developers of intelligent systems for the past three decades are compounded as the AI community now attempts to build systems that can be distributed on the Internet in nearly endless ways. There is a strong symbiotic relationship between intelligent systems and the semantic web.
The following topics are covered by the symposium:
- Collaborative ontology development
- Searching for relevant ontological materials
- Creating knowledge base systems from components
- Issues on the architecture of SWKE systems
- Choosing the appropriate representational formalism for your application
- WIKIs and the semantic web
One of the major insights of the knowledge engineering community is that knowledge based systems can be produced from components—namely from knowledge bases or instantiated ontologies on the one hand together with inference engines or problem solvers. These components are likely to be held at a variety of different sites on the web, so there are significant challenges associated with developing search techniques to find these components. Once found, these components will need to be refined to suit the current requirements, and it is likely that mappings will need to be made between the variables of the problems solver(s) and those of the knowledge bases. Once created, a further challenge is to produce web services from these systems thus making them available to the whole web community.