Logical Formalizations of Commonsense Reasoning
Papers from the AAAI Spring Symposium
Eyal Amir, Vladimir Lifschitz, and Rob Miller, Cochairs
Technical Report SS-07-05
186 pp., $35.00
ISBN 978-1-57735-314-0
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One of the major long-term goals of AI is to endow computers with common sense, and one approach to this goal is to formalize commonsense reasoning using mathematical logic. This was the focus of this symposium. The challenges to creating such a formalization include the accumulation of large amounts of knowledge about our everyday world, the representation of this knowledge in suitable formal languages, the integration of different representations in a coherent way, and the development of explicit reasoning methods that use these representations.
The focus of the symposium was on formal representation rather than on algorithms. While mathematical logic was the primary lingua franca of the symposium, papers using a rigorous but nonlogic-based representation of commonsense domains were also welcome. Technical papers offering new results in the area were especially welcome; object-level theories as opposed to metalevel results were preferred. However, survey papers, papers studying the relationship between different approaches, and papers on methodological issues such as theory evaluation, were also encouraged.