Intentions in Intelligent Systems
Papers from the AAAI Spring Symposium
George Ferguson, Chair
Technical Report SS-07-03
62 pp., $30.00
ISBN 978-1-57735-312-6
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Intentions, in the sense of agents having specific purposes in mind when they do things, have long played a central and organizing role in the analysis of intelligent behavior. The AAAI 2007 Spring Symposium on Intentions in Intelligent Systems focused on the role of intentions in implemented (or reasonably foreseeable) AI systems.
The symposium was primarily interested in practical, realistic systems that perform tasks intelligently. The symposium was not intended to be a forum for airing abstract philosophical theories of intention or purely mathematical formalisms for representing intention. Rather the emphasis on “systems” in the title was intended to focus on the role of intentions in intelligent systems. The goal of the symposium was to bring together key researchers from the different AI traditions to investigate intelligent systems and system behaviors based on or derived from an intentional model.