Artificial Intelligence for Human-Robot Interaction: Papers from the AAAI Fall Symposium
Bradley Hayes, Matthew Gombolay, cochairs
November 12–14, 2015, Arlington, Virginia
Technical Report FS-15-01
Robot Nonverbal Communication as an AI Problem (and Solution) / 2
Henny Admoni, Brian Scassellati
Minecraft as an Experimental World for AI in Robotics / 5
Krishna Chaitanya Aluru, Stefanie Tellex, John Oberlin, James MacGlashan
"It's Amazing, We Are All Feeling It!" — Emotional Climate as a Group-Level Emotional Expression in HRI / 13
Patrícia Alves-Oliveira, Pedro Sequeira, Eugenio Di Tullio, Sofia Petisca, Carla Guerra, Francisco S. Melo, Ana Paiva
Expressive Lights for Revealing Mobile Service Robot State / 17
Kim Baraka, Ana Paiva, Manuela Veloso
Towards Robot Adaptability in New Situations / 24
Adrian Boteanu, David Kent, Anahita Mohseni-Kabir, Charles Rich, Sonia Chernova
“Sorry, I Can’t Do That”: Developing Mechanisms to Appropriately Reject Directives in Human-Robot Interactions / 32
Gordon Michael Briggs, Matthias Scheutz
Who's Talking? — Efference Copy and a Robot's Sense of Agency / 37
Justin Brody, Don Perlis, Jared Shamwell
Exploring Affordances Using Human-Guidance and Self-Exploration / 40
Vivian Chu, Andrea L. Thomaz
The RoboHelper Project: From Multimodal Corpus to Embodiment on a Robot / 44
Barbara Di Eugenio, Miloš Žefran
Integration of Planning with Plan Recognition Using Classical Planners (Extended Abstract) / 48
Richard G. Freedman, Alex Fukunaga
Temporal and Object Relations in Unsupervised Plan and Activity Recognition / 51
Richard G. Freedman, Hee-Tae Jung, Shlomo Zilberstein
MARTHA Speaks: Implementing Theory of Mind for More Intuitive Communicative Acts / 60
Piotr Gmytrasiewicz, George Moe, Adolfo Moreno
Coordination of Human-Robot Teaming with Human Task Preferences / 68
Matthew Craig Gombolay, Cindy Huang, Julie Shah
Toward Personalized Pain Anxiety Reduction for Children / 74
Jillian Greczek, Maja Mataric
Modeling Motivational States for Adaptive Robot Companions / 77
Elena Corina Grigore, Andre Pereira, Brian Scassellati
A Taxonomy for Improving Dialog between Autonomous Agent Developers and Human-Machine Interface Designers / 81
Daylond James Hooper, Jeffrey P. Duffy, Gloria L. Calhoun, Thomas C. Hughes
Pororobot: A Deep Learning Robot That Plays Video Q&A Games / 89
Kyung-Min Kim, Chang-Jun Nan, Jung-Woo Ha, Yu-Jung Heo, Byoung-Tak Zhang
Agent Requirements for Effective and Efficient Task-Oriented Dialog / 94
Shiwali Mohan, James Roberts Kirk, Aaron Mininger, John Laird
Anticipation of Touch Gestures to Improve Robot Reaction Time / 100
Cody G. Narber, Wallace Lawson, J. Gregory Trafton
Modeling Situated Conversations for a Child-Care Robot Using Wearable Devices / 103
Kyoung-Woon On, Eun-Sol Kim, Byoung-Tak Zhang
More May Be Less: Emotional Sharing in an Autonomous Social Robot / 107
Sofia Petisca, João Dias, Ana Paiva
Towards Gaze and Gesture Based Human-Robot Interaction for Dementia Patients / 111
Alexander Prange, Takumi Toyama, Daniel Sonntag
Developing Adaptive Social Robot Tutors for Children / 114
Aditi Ramachandran, Brian Scassellati
On the Ability to Provide Demonstrations on a UAS: Observing 90 Untrained Participants Abusing a Flying Robot / 117
Mitchell Scott, Bei Peng, Madeline Chili, Tanay Nigam, Francis Pascual, Cynthia Matuszek, Matthew E. Taylor
Towards Robot Moderators: Understanding Goal-Directed Multi-Party Interactions / 122
Elaine Short, Maja J. Mataric
A Unified Framework for Human-Robot Knowledge Transfer / 125
Nishant Shukla, Caiming Xiong, Song-Chun Zhu
Towards Affect-Awareness for Social Robots / 128
Samuel Spaulding, Cynthia Breazeal
Promoting Social Collaboration between Children with a Social Robot / 131
Sarah Strohkorb, Brian Scassellati
Missteps in Robot Social Navigation / 134
Andrew Sutcliffe, Neil Tenenholtz, Joelle Pineau
Natural Language Understanding and Communication for Multi-Agent Systems / 137
Sean Trott, Aurélien Appriou, Jerome Feldman, Adam Janin
Towards Situated Open World Reference Resolution / 142
Tom Williams, Stephanie Schreitter, Saurav Acharya, Matthias Scheutz
Robotic Social Feedback for Object Specification / 150
Emily Wu, Yuxin Han, David Whitney, John Oberlin, James MacGlashan, Stefanie Tellex
Represent and Infer Human Theory of Mind for Human-Robot Interaction / 158
Yibiao Zhao, Steven Holtzen, Tao Gao, Song-Chun Zhu